What is a science centre?

Technorama allows hands-on experiences of hundreds of natural phenomena and technology. At countless experiment stations visitors can discover natural phenomena first-hand and with all the senses. "Come to grips" – in both senses of the word – with the world.

Everything in Technorama can be touched, played and experimented with: hands on! Learning through play in a science centre by experiencing natural phenomena directly, through art that moves us, through the challenges we create in the labs, through dialogues with family and friends or by building your own machines in the Tinkering Lab.

The Technorama offers variety and inspiration for several days, both in good and bad weather, and arouses curiosity and enthusiasm for science and technology.

Open 365 days a year

The Technorama welcomes its guests 365 days a year. Whether Easter, Ascension Day, Whitsun, 1 August or Christmas – we are there for you. The regular opening hours always apply: The Technorama is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm.

Technorama Explorer

Our Eduthek «Technorama Explorer» supports you in the didactic planning of your class visit.

«TECHNORAMA 2050» – a project for the future

40 years of Technorama and over 300,000 visitors a year: we need to renovate and expand. Let's shape the future together!

Become a member!

Are you enthusiastic about science and technology? Support Technorama and become part of the Swiss Society Pro Technorama (SGPT). Your membership will ...


Our seven labs, a wealth of fascinating workshops, invite you to delve into the world of biology, chemistry and physics.

Learning from a phenomenon

Discover the world in your own way: observe, formulate hypotheses, experiment, and draw conclusions. Step into the role of a researcher and experience ...


Many offer well-equipped seminar rooms with catering. But only Technorama offers extraordinary workshops and shows.

Levitating Globe

Der schwebende Globus ist ein High-Tech Gerät. Der Globus schwebt mit Hilfe von Elektromagneten elegant zwischen seinen Ständern. Das ...

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Rekordbrecher im Technorama

Geschenk für das Technorama und die Rekordbrecher-Familie: Am frühen Nachmittag des 24. Dezember gab es für beide eine vorgezogene ...

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Storm Drop

Erleben Sie den Zauber vom Storm Drop, einem bemerkenswerten Wetterreflexionsgerät, das jedem Raum einen Hauch von alter Welt verleiht. ...

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