Teaching as an adventure

A day at Technorama

enables a deep understanding of natural phenomena in a forest of experimental stations. Like a walk in the forest, we experience our surroundings with all our senses, observing and discovering new things all the time.

However, the didactics of the Technorama are also about ways of conveying the phenomenon, about perspectives and about the art of observation. Each experiment station is an occasion for encounter and discussion, and the learners understand by grasping.

A year of teaching

increases the possibility of this grasping. The walk in the forest becomes a journey.

This is because teaching offers an immensely greater number of opportunities to implement the didactic understanding of the Technorama. In the course of a school year, a depth can take place that cannot be achieved in a single day at the Technorama.

For this reason, Technorama offers a course for teachers who would like to design lessons as an adventure throughout the year. In this way, they can continue to live the didactics of Technorama in everyday school life beyond the class visit.

A large selection of Technorama's in-service training courses is part of the course. However, they can all also be attended individually.

The full programme: The course

Learn to carry this enthusiasm into your everyday school life and make your teaching an adventure! Attend the course "Teaching as Adventure".

Individual training courses

Our training courses can also be attended individually outside of the course. We regularly offer teachers courses on various topics. You will get to know natural phenomena and the Technorama better.

In-school training

Would you as a school team like to dedicate half a day to a full day to the further development of your science lessons? Are you looking for fresh ideas to enable your pupils to learn by doing? Would you like to use Technorama with your school as an extracurricular learning venue?

Didactic concept

The didactics of Technorama is based on constructivist learning theories. At Technorama, science is taught in a competence- and resource-oriented way.


In autumn 2023 you will have the opportunity to create and experience a congress together with many other adventurers for two days.

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