Grasping the world
You don’t learn to ride a bike from books. Without direct experience of the conservation of angular momentum, we do not understand what is important in this skill. Understanding can only be gained from personal experience.
Arouse enthusiasm and curiosity
The sensual and self-determined interaction with natural phenomena awakens enthusiasm and curiosity for science and technology.
Promoting 21st Century Skills
The offerings in the exhibitions, labs and in the park promote the four learning competencies of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication.
Be an educational and recreational facility for everyone
The Technorama makes a unique contribution to the scientific literacy of all sections of the population. The exhibition content is offered in German, French, Italian and English. With barrier-free access and various inclusion measures, we ensure the cultural participation of people with impairments as well.
Get to know scientific methods
The laboratories complement the emotional engagement with natural phenomena with analytical-measuring approaches. Complex experimental setups and problem-based, but everyday-related questions enable a deeper engagement with a topic and scientific methods.
Support school lessons
The training courses for teachers provide principles and examples of exploratory learning about phenomena. Designed from primary to upper secondary level, they support teachers in designing learning environments in the sense of constructivist systemic didactics. They also show how a class visit to Technorama can usefully support and complement lessons.
Living hospitality
The staff exemplify the playful and joyful approach to natural sciences. They share their enthusiasm as hosts and support the visitors. The encounter and exchange with the crew are part of the visit experience and ensure a lasting positive memory.
Exchange experiences
We share our principles and experience in didactics, exhibit construction and exhibition operation with others in the form of consultancy mandates and cooperations.
Fields of action
Quality & Experience
A visit to Technorama is remembered as a unique and positive experience: we want to inspire our guests with high-quality and modern exhibits, promote joint activities and 21st Century Skills, and exemplify inclusion.
Sustainability & quality of stay
The Technorama offers a pleasant spatial experience with clear orientation and attractive meeting spaces for all guests. It is modernising its infrastructure and optimising energy supply and consumption both ecologically and economically.
Park & Bridge of Miracles
The unique combination of landscape architecture, natural space, works of art, experiment stations and engineering art makes the park a sight in its own right and the Technorama also a fair-weather destination.
Customer care & occupancy
Technorama is the largest extracurricular learning venue for schools for STEM subjects, an attractive leisure destination and a tourist "must-see". Addressing new target groups leads to a higher and more even occupancy rate.
Crew & Collaboration
WE are Technorama and are committed to our mission with joy and pride. Cooperation is characterised by respect and appreciation, projects are implemented with clear responsibility and objectives.
Economic efficiency
Technorama is recognised and adequately supported by politics and economy as a unique and largest provider of STEM promotion, and the private donor base is broadened and better served.