Plan. Search. Explore.
Our Eduthek "Plan. Search. Explore." supports you in the didactic planning of your class visit. Browse through our prepared activities, search for exhibits on various topics or discover our laboratory workshops.
Training sessions
With practice-based training sessions, Technorama supports teachers in communicating science competently in their classroom lessons .
Didactics studio and reconnaissance visit
If you would like to get to know our school offers, arrange a reconnaissance visit first.
The perfect class trip
You will find practical tips and everything you need to know for your class trip to Technorama here.
Didactic concept
Technorama's didactic concept is based on constructivist learning theories.
Individual school projects at the SEM
Whether pollen for testing honey quality or as models for design objects, detailed images of insects and plant structures or elemental analyses of material samples: Topics from biology, physics, geography and design lessons can be implemented as part of Matura papers or class projects.