Technorama Outdoors – A Park is Born

XXL is what's needed – so let's go outdoors! With more than 500 exhibits, Technorama is already one of the largest science centres in Europe, but the new Technorama Park and Wonder Bridge mean we have now crossed into new dimensions. We can bring major forces of nature to life for visitors to experience directly in their natural outdoor environment. Natural phenomena can be directly experienced with all your senses in the new outdoor area, thus making Technorama a very exciting destination, even when the weather is fine. And, naturally enough, our principle also applies here: At Technorama, you can touch, play and experiment with everything. In fact, touching is explicitly encouraged!


Covering an area of almost 15,000 m², the new outdoor area is not only twice as large as the total exhibition areas in the Technorama facility itself, but also a really interesting experience in itself. Take a stroll along winding paths through a dense pole forest, discover nature on the meadows and banks, and experience completely new dimensions that will really astonish you.

Technorama Outdoors is designed to be a natural alternative programme to the interactive experience in the exhibitions and labs. You can explore an attractive experimentation landscape under open skies in an interplay of natural experience, experiments, recreation and relaxation.


With a length of 130 metres and a height of up to 17 metres, the Wonder Bridge is an engineering masterpiece of iconographic radiance that, as a new landmark in Winterthur, creates a space for numerous exciting experiments amidst the treetops, characterised by sensational views, distant horizons and brand new perspectives.

Four individually inclined stairs enable guests to access the platform. Anybody feeling more daring can stand on the moving cantilever platform at the highest point of the bridge or experience the height with greater intensity on a glass floor!

The Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) has been our partner from the very outset.


Experience the force of five tonnes of water, see the world with a giant's eyes and find out what it's like to walk on the Moon! Around 30 new exhibits and works of art await guests in the park to encourage hands-on experimentation.

Natural phenomena that require a lot of space, height or a direct relationship to the natural environment are now accommodated in the new outdoor area. These include complex or major (water) exhibits in particular. Added to these is a series of artworks that bring natural phenomena closer in an aesthetic manner.

Most of these exhibits have been created at Technorama, having been designed, tested and constructed in our own workshop.


Until now, the Riedbach flowed through the Technorama park in a concrete bed with a monotonous embankment and a length of 135 m. The stream was channelled. As part of the park project, the stream was revitalised and made accessible as a nature experience area. With the near-natural design of the streambed with varying stream widths and the design of a differentiated bank area with stones, fascines and different slope inclinations, we have upgraded the ecological quality of the watercourse and created a habitat for a diverse animal and plant world. The project was co-financed by the naturemade star fund of ewz.

The Construction

These People Were Involved in the Park

The construction project had a total budget of CHF 16,100,000. We wish to thank all those who contributed to and supported the construction of the new park.

Simon Schweizer

Landscape Architect, Swiss Federation of Landscape Architects (BSLA), Krebs und Herde Landschaftsarchitekten | Overall management, planning and design of park


Andreas Haustein

Landscape architect BSLA, Krebs und Herde Landschaftsarchitekten | Overall project and construction management park


Jana Voboril

Project Manager, Hämmerle und Partner | Client representation


Gianfranco Bronzini

Civil Engineer (dipl. Bauingenieur FH / SIA REG A), Conzett Bronzini Partner AG | Concept, planning and construction management of the Wonder Bridge, park bridge and suspension bridge


Tino Rizzi

Civil Engineer (MSc Bau-Ing. ETH), Conzett Bronzini Partner AG | Concept, planning and construction management of the Wonder Bridge, park bridge and suspension bridge


Claudia Schwalfenberg

Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) | Planning and project committee


Peter Oehy

Department Head, Hunziker Betatech AG | Planning and construction management of hydraulic engineering features and the electric power supply


Martin Deuring

Civil Engineer (Dr. sc. techn., dipl. Bauing. ETH SIA USIC) | Planning the halfpipe and calculation of the Falling Water exhibit


Werner Stalder

Project Manager, Schneider Stahlbau AG | Wonder Bridge construction and installation


Jürg Hofmann

Board of Directors, Hofmann Gartenbau AG | Horticulture


Stefan Geiges

Managing Director, K. Geiges AG | Civil and hydraulic engineering


Marco Paternolli

Head of Reconstruction/Structural Engineering Zurich, Lerch AG Bauunternehmung | Construction of the halfpipe, garden walls and exhibits


Silvano Regnani

Head of Timber Construction, Lerch AG Bauunternehmung, Timber Construction Dept. | Wonder Bridge wood cladding


Hannes Pfyffer

Construction Foreman, Baltensperger AG | Bridge foundations


Urs Gloor

Supervising Electrical Installation Technician, Etavis AG | Electrical installations


Mario Castelli

Software Engineer, Rey Automation AG | Exhibit and plant control system


Michael Hartmann

Managing Director, Hebag AG | Design and construction of the suspension bridge tensioning mechanism


Bandar Secchi

WALO Bertschinger AG | Pond lining and sealing


Thomas Müller

Sales Manager, Schindler Aufzüge AG | The lift to the Wonder Bridge


These people and organisations supported the Technorama Park:

(in alphabetical order) 


 3-Plan Haustechnik AG | AAC Computer AG | ABL Bürki Sonnenschutztechnik GmbH | Familie Adams-Sorbé | ADZ Automation GmbH | Aktiengesellschaft für Erstellung billiger Wohnhäuser in Winterthur GEbW | Familie Urs und Christiane Altorfer-Kaufmann | Elly und Jürg Altwegg Brenner | Alphasys AG | Alex Anwander | Architekturbüro Johann Frei | Walter Arnold | arv Baustoffrecycling Schweiz | Dr. Wolfgang Auwärter | Thomas Asshauer | AXA Generalagentur Christian Werenfels | Bafilco AG | Lilian Banholzer Hänzi | Baugarten Stiftung | Baumberger Rechtsanwälte AG | Viktor Beglinger | Belimo Automation AG | Familie Benson | Bruno Bernet | Familie Bertschi-Greub | Ulrike Besold | Werner Bickel | Matthias Bieri | Peter Bockhoff Stiftung | René und Susanne Braginsky-Stiftung | Renate Brossi | Brossi AG | Dominik Bruderer | Silvia Brunner | Vreny und Jack Brunnschweiler | Buderus Heiztechnik AG | André und Verena Buchel-Schoch | Felix Büeler | Adriano Burali | Burckhardt Compression AG | Büro Schoch Werkhaus AG | Büro Schoch AG | Laurin Czichollas | Consulta AG | Roland Custer | Dachverband Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz LCH | Ferdinand Derler | Deutsche Rückversicherung Schweiz AG | Dr. Deuring und Oehninger AG | Monika Derler-Bucher | Reto Diener | Doris Dietschi | Heinz und Felicitas Domeisen 


 Finn und Mathis Eberle | Hugo und Ingrid Eckert | Boris Eckhardt | Jeremy Edgecumbe | Daniel Egger | Eisen Optikergeschäft AG | Electrosuisse |  Ernst Göhner Stiftung | ETAVIS AG | EVP Winterthur | experts4IT | Familie Bucher, Restaurant Rossberg |  Familie Hostettler | FAND AG | Wolfgang und Wan-Chu Feuerstein | Corinne Feuz | Dora Fitzli und Peter Maspoli | Petra und Gerd Flaig | Patric Flüeler | Flütsch Ingenieure AG | Stephan Föllmi-Brodmann | Christine Frank | Ursula Frank | Fabian Frei | FREI Bauunternehmung | Peter und Edith Frey-Gasser | Conny Funk, Daniele Luke und Claudia Leder | Reinhard Fürst | Marco Fritschi | Barbara und David Galeuchet | Gemeinde Elsau | Gemeinde Gossau ZH | Heidi Hafner-Gubler | René Hauswirth | Gemeinde Hettlingen | Gemeinnützige Stiftung ACCENTUS | Gemeinnützige Stiftung Basler & Hofmann | Georg H. Endress Stiftung | Georg und Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker Stiftung | Gesamtschule Winterthur | Get Diversity GmbH | Gewerkschaft Unia | Emanuelle Giacometti | Prof. Hans Giger | Goldenberg Immobilien GmbH | Michael Gomringer | Horst-Michael Grathwohl | Markus und Liselotte Greminger | Janine Greuter | Armin und Leny Grögli-Sigrist | Grütli Stiftung Zürich | Tobias Guldimann | Michael Gutman | Verena Gschwind | Martin und Marianne Haefner | Hans Jörg Häfliger | Halter AG | Eugen Haltiner-Benesch | Hämmerle Partner GmbH | Handelskammer und Arbeitgebervereinigung Winterthur | Hans Konrad Rahn-Stiftung | Mario Hartmann | Louis Hauck-Allenspach | Andreas Haustein | René Hauswirth | Christof Hasler | HEBAG AG | Daniel Heinze I Esther Helg | Dr. Iris Henseler Stierlin und Peter Stierlin | Stephan Herde | Beat Herter | Hans Hess | Romana Heuberger | Bettina Hitzfeld | Otmar Hofer | Jürg und Maja Hofmann-Baur | Walter Hönes | Peter, Jürg, Felix, Martin und Lea Horisberger | House of Winterthur | HUBER+SUHNER Stiftung | Jan Hübscher | Illyan Aurelio Hunkeler | Hunziker Betatech AG | Markus Hutter | Hutter Dynamics AG | HUWA Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG 


 Prof. Dr. Werner Inderbitzin | Janina und Aline Wirth, Maurin und Dario Ulrich | Jessica & Felix |JG Bauexpert GmbH | Joh. Jacob Rieter-Stiftung | Christa Joss | Jossi AG Systembau | Jürg Frutiger Unternehmen AG | Kanton Zürich | Karl Erb Sanitär – Haustechnik AG | Karl Geiges AG | Keller Glas AG | Jürg und Christine Keller-Jucker | Dr. Waldemar A. Keller-Vögeli | Elin Klester | Olivia Klester | KIBAG Bauleistungen AG | Kinderzahnarztpraxis Signorelli-Moret | Klasse 6 Ea HTL Brugg-Windisch (1984) | Dieter Kläy | Alexandre und Hildegard Kounitzky | Matthias Krebs | Krebs und Herde GmbH | Jürg Kull | Küng & Co AG Kaffee-Rösterei | Axel Kusterer | Paul und Anna Künnemann | Thorsten-D. Künnemann | Michael und Karin Künzle | la grande famiglia | Labosim Markierungs AG | Markus und Gisela Läderach | Langhard Hoch- und Tiefbau AG | Christian Leber | Lions Club Winterthur | Irene Langhard | Walter Langhard | Lauffer & Frischknecht | Erhard Lee | Fredy A. Lienhard | Liftberatung Daniel Ullmann | Lotteriefonds des Kantons Zürich | Maag Recycling AG | mageba SA | Othmar und Kerstin Mannhart | Erwin Maurer | Ralph Mannhart | Ursina Meier, Mattea und Johannes Pietsch | Medbase Apotheke Zentrum Töss | Familie Meier | Markus Meier | Ines Meili Ott | Merck Schweiz | Sharru Moeller | Paul Moeller | Urs Mohler | Molinari Rail AG | MÖKAH AG | Christine und Jörg Moor mit Familie 


 Adrian, Seraina und Neo Nussbaum | Peter und Maya Müller-Nussbaumer | Alexander Nagelstein | naturemade star-Fonds von ewz | Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur | Nina und Obi, Winterthur | O.Hadorn AG | Daniel Oederlin | one marketing services ag | OSRM Team 2020 | Leonardo Pellizzari | Jana, Janis, Patrizia und Tadzio Peyer | Urs Pfenninger | Sebastian Robin Pfister | Joschua David Pfister | Peter und Brigitte Pfyffer | PiQuP AG | Hans Preisig | Martin Paul Putora | QUIBIQ Schweiz AG 


 Tomas Radeljic | Ruedi Räss | Viktoria, Annette und Gerald Rebitzer/Köhler | RenaissanceRe Europe AG | Karin Reindl | Markus und Astrid Reinhard | Dr. Regula Reinhart | Michael Reinmann | Restaurant Technorama – ein Betrieb der ZFV-Unternehmungen | Eduard Rikli | Kathy Riklin | Josefine und Xavier Ringli | Familie Werner und Gerda Roner | Dani Romay | Robert Roos-Fasnacht | Liam Roth | Nina Roth | Thomas Rüegger-Steiner | Ueli Ruf | Satech Produkte GmbH | Elfriede Schindler-Kuhn | Gaston Säuberli | Barbara und Paul Schaffner | Priska, Samuel, Vivienne und Friedrich Schär | Hermann Schäublin | Jacqueline Scheiflinger Mannhart | Jürg Schelldorfer | Doris Schellenberg und Willi Bollhalder | Martin Schnyder-Däppen | Daniel Senn-Grünberger | Sandra und François Sierro | Adrian Schneider | Hans-Walter Schläpfer | Karin Schmid | Titus und Renate Schmid | Schneider Beton AG | Marc Schoenleber | Frank Schweitzer | Simon Schweizer | Eugen Schweizer | Schweizerische Mobiliar, Generalagentur Winterthur | Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein SIA | Prof. Edit Seidl | Sensaco GmbH | Katharina Siegrist und Francesco Serratore | in Gedenken an Theodor Siegrist | Sandra und François Sierro | | Kurt Spörri | Stadt Winterthur | Stähli Haustechnik AG | Anthony Stäubli | Annetta Steiner | Stiftung «Perspektiven» von Swiss Life | Stiftung Edwin Pünter Erben | Michael Straub | Wilhelm Studer-Salzmann | Sulzer-Stiftung | SWICA Krankenversicherung AG | SWiSE – Swiss Science Education | Urs Thalmann | Thalmann Logistik AG | Bernard Thurnheer | Heinrich und Berti Schneider-Tischhauser | Heinz E. Toggenburger | Toggenburger AG | Familie Trammell | Walter Ulrich | Bernhard Ulrich 


 Verband der Schweizerischen Lack- und Farbenindustrie (VSLF) | Thomas Vogel | Valentin Vogt | Volg Konsumwaren AG | Vontobel-Stiftung | VSS Brandschutz AG | WALO Bertschinger AG | Bettina Walther | Michael Walther | Julian Wandhoven | Wolfgang Wandhoven | Paul Wanner | Christian M. Waser | Wyss Wassertechnik AG | Remo Weber | Familie Widmer-Plüss | Urs Wieser | Willi | Luzi Willi | Doris Zahnd | Wilfried Zander | ZFV-Unternehmungen | ZHAW Technikum Winterthur, Frackwoche 2019 | Jürg Ziegler | Jo Ziltener | ZIMM GmbH | Annemarie Zobeley | Robert und Anna Rosa Zwahlen | 




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