Hands on!

Technorama Winterthur is one of the largest science centres in Europe. With its unique variety of experiment stations, it offers almost infinite possibilities to experience science in both a playful and informative manner.

In addition to the interactive exhibitions involving natural phenomena, there are spectacular shows, demonstrations and fascinating workshops to explore biology, chemistry and physics. In a total of seven labs, you can experiment independently with professional assistance.

Opening Times and Admission

Technorama is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm. By purchasing your tickets online, you can skip the line at Technorama.

Restaurant and Picnic Area

The restaurant is open from 10 am to 5 pm. Bring a snack and enjoy it in the picnic area.

By Public Transport or Car

Technorama is easy to reach by public transport and by car.

Everything You Need to Know

You will find answers to frequently asked questions about a visit to Technorama here.


Contact persons

We would be happy to assist you with any questions and requests you may have concerning your visit.

Inclusion and diversity

Technorama is a place where everyone is welcome. That is why we are committed to providing equal experiences for all.


We would like to make your preparation and stay with us as pleasant as possible.

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