Support Technorama

Two organisations support the Swiss Science Center Technorama independently in the form of advantageous annual memberships: Friends of Technorama (SGPT) is the public support group for private individual; the VTW Technorama – Business Partnership is for firms and foundations.The patronage committee acts in the sense of an advisory board. It brings together personages from business, politics and science with the objective of supporting Technorama with their contacts, networks and personal advocacy.Lastly, many private individuals from Switzerland and abroad support Technorama with donations and bequests.

With a donation

Technorama is the largest out-of-school science learning institution in Switzerland. Our donors are committed to ensuring that as many students as possible are able to visit Technorama.

As a sponsoring partner

Attractive partnerships for companies and enterprises ensure the long-term financing of Technorama.

Friends of Technorama (SGPT)

Friends of Technorama (SGPT) is the public support group for Technorama.

VTW Technorama - Business Partnership

VTW is the Technorama - Business Partnership is the support group comprised of companies, enterprises and NPOs.

Patronage committee

Personages from business and politics advocate Technorama personally.

Der Park «Technorama Draussen» ist wieder offen

Unser Park «Technorama Draussen» wieder offen! Es warten viele spannende Outdoor-Attraktionen auf dich! Die Kraft des Windes, die ...

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Oster-Workshop: ZauberEi und Eiweisheiten

Eierfärben kann jeder. Da machen Ei-Experimente zu Ostern sehr viel mehr Spass! Wie bringst du zum Beispiel ein gekochtes Ei durch einen ...

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Atrium wieder offen

Im Innenhof des Technorama wurde die Magische Welle wieder in Gang gesetzt. Bei diesem Exponat handelt es sich um ein mechanisches ...

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